However, why an industry chooses Lectra for their industry? If we look up, the quality of the
design of Lectra is maximum. The possibility of mistakes in Lectra is less compared to other
On the other hand, the production rate is also maximum in Lectra software. However, the speed,
complexity, and price are maximum, negatively impacting Lectra software. Nevertheless, the
design quality, the possibility of the mistake, and production accounted for 98%, 8%, and 99%.
The price of the Lectra software is maximum, accounting for 10,00000 to 15,00000 taka.
However, the price of the software is the too high price. However, the other Attribute plays a
positive impact. That is why the user has ignored the price of the software. Lectra software also
has complex and slower than other software.
So the production and design quality rate hit the maximum, positively impacting Lectra Modaris
software. The possibility of a mistake is 8% means Lectra Modaris software has a minimum
possibility of mistakes. The other significant factor is that Lectra software is the leading template
system, which helps a user make automatic software, the most extensive facility for making a
design quickly. That is why Lectra choose a maximum number of big industries in Bangladesh.
Owing to compatibility, the production of the software plays a vital role in influencing the user's
tendency to buy CAD/CAM software.
For the medium industry, they focus on some attributes for their company satisfaction. So every
medium-class factory intended to buy Optitex software. Optitex is software that is faster than
Lectra software. Complexity is also lower than the Lectra software. The price of the software is
low compared to Lectra software. That is the way the 3 attribute of the speed of the software,
complexity, and price, which is accounted for 80%, 75%, and 35%, plays an essential role in
choosing Optitex software. For medium-class factories, the production size is less. So they try to
ignore the production size.
For a small factory, they always preferred to buy Gerber software for their satisfaction. Gerber
is enough to meet their criteria, also. Where the small factory ignored 3 attributes such as quality
of design, the possibility of mistakes, and production size; on the other hand, they focused on
the software's speed, complexity, and price. Where speed, complexity, and price are accounted
for 90%, 70%, and 25%. So it represents that the speed and price of the software are minimum.
Moreover, the complexity of the software is less. So it is pretty easy to learn and use. To
recapitulate, 59% of users prefer to buy Lectra Software, 25% prefer Optitex software, and 16%
prefer to use Gerber software. There are 3 types of Gerber software available. Such as gamine,
bock, Emma, Etc. Every Buyer wants faster and quality software that involves the proper time
delivery. Buyer also focuses on attributes such as quality and brand, accounting for39.41% and
60.59% for priority, followed by 58.73% and 41.27% for second priority. However, the Buyer has
no choice about the price of the software. Because of that, there is no influence of the price upon
a buyer. [6]. To encapsulate considering all the properties user is intended to buy 59% Lectra,
25 % Optitex, and 16% Gerber.