Innovation and Software 2024-10-03T17:30:20-05:00 Revista Innovación y Software Open Journal Systems <p>Scientific journal with peer review by academic peers specialized in Computer Science and Informatics. It is published by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">La Salle University</a> in Arequipa, every six months and accepts paper submissions throughout the year. Currently, the journal is indexed / registered in: Google Scholar, Research Bib, OpenAIRE, CiteFactor, BASE, DRJI, ICI World of Journals, Scientific Indexing Services among other databases. ISSN: 2708-0927. ISSN-e: 2708-0935.</p> What is the best strategy to measure Software Quality? 2024-10-03T17:26:08-05:00 Daniel Ignacio Martínez Maria Soledad Martinez Valeria Raquel Filoniuk Ana Claudia Diz Silvia Edith Arias <p><em>The success of a software product basically depends on catering for the users´ need. This implies, providing the product on time and within the estimated costs so as to fulfill the specified requirements and the users´ expectations. In this respect, it is necessary to have a strategy that allows to monitor the software product quality, and from this point onwards make the necessary adjustments with the sole objective of enhancing the final product. Taking this into consideration, this article proposes to involve the user during the whole life cycle process “Testing”, taking as a basis the ISO 9126 standard, with the ultimate aim of evaluating and upgrading the software quality, leading to the end users´ contentment</em>.</p> 2024-09-30T09:50:09-05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Innovation and Software Impact of Behavioral Instructions in Language Models 2024-10-03T17:26:10-05:00 Francisco Gerardo Huamanchumo Trujillo Alejandro Roman Campos Gamarra Marcelino Torres Villanueva <p><em>The impact of behavioral instructions on language models is a fundamental area of research in the field of processing for language that is human. This study focuses on analyzing how specific directions provided to language models affect their performance and efficiency on various tasks. It examines in detail the importance of instructions in the understanding for languages to be human and their influence on applications in activities such as machine translation, textual content creation, and document categorization. It discusses how behavioral instructions impact the configuration and training of models, as well as their predictive and generative capabilities. Concrete examples of how instructions can improve or limit the performance of linguistic models in different contexts are presented. The results obtained highlight the need to carefully consider behavioral instructions when developing and evaluating languages and their models, with the desire to optimize their accuracy and perform well on various linguistic tasks.</em></p> 2024-09-30T09:49:21-05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Innovation and Software Proposal for a software maintenance model for small businesses in Benguela. 2024-10-03T17:26:12-05:00 Roberto Cruz Acosta <p><em>This research focuses on the insufficient adaptability of the maintenance process within the life cycle of management software in small national companies, based on international standards framed in the area, which makes it difficult to guide the software maintenance execution process. The main objective is to provide the development of a software maintenance procedure adjusted to the specific needs and characteristics of small businesses. The methodology used is mixed, where the opinions of officials were recognized and the SPSS statistical program was used for data analysis. The expected results of the use and application of this maintenance management proposal will extend the useful life of the systems, making better use of the company's existing IT tools. This implies reusing solutions implemented based on current needs, avoiding throwing them away. In addition, a detailed procedure is offered that guides the performance of software maintenance in the national industry, seeking to strengthen the software industry in Angola by providing an efficient model adapted to the needs of small businesses. This study presents a proposed software maintenance procedure for small businesses in Benguela. A mixed methodology has been used and it is expected that the results will contribute to extending the useful life of the systems and improving their operability and quality. The proposal seeks to strengthen the software industry in Angola by providing an efficient model adapted to the needs of small businesses.</em></p> 2024-09-30T09:46:11-05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Innovation and Software Main Tools of Artificial Intelligence for Industries : A Literature Review 2024-10-03T17:26:14-05:00 Joan Antony Rodríguez Asto Marcelino Torres Villanueva Segundo Manuel Samana Rodríguez <p><em>The aim of this text is to simplify the analysis of various bibliographic sources that address the use of artificial intelligence in different industrial sectors. The PRISMA methodology was employed to examine articles published in different journals indexed in high-prestige databases that deal with the use of AI tools in these areas. An exhaustive literature review was conducted in Scielo and Scopus to ensure the inclusion of a broad spectrum of relevant research. This extensive review allowed for the identification of significant trends in the use of artificial intelligence in different geographical regions and specific industrial sectors. It was observed that countries such as the United States, Brazil, and Colombia stand out for their leadership in the production of articles related to AI in their respective industries. Likewise, it is noted that AI tools, such as neural networks, ChatGPT, chatbots, and machine learning, not only optimize industrial processes but are also driving disruptive innovations in areas such as computer science, engineering, social sciences, business, management, accounting, chemical engineering, medicine, and materials science. This exhaustive analysis provides a solid and informed basis for strategic decision-making and guides future research aimed at maximizing the potential of artificial intelligence in the industrial field.</em></p> 2024-09-30T09:43:28-05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Innovation and Software Proposal of a DevSecOps SCRUM-based Methodology for Software Development with Quality 2024-10-03T17:26:16-05:00 Itzel Xochitototl Cote José Juan Hernández Mora María Guadalupe Medina Barrera Elizabeth Cuatecontzi Cuahutle Juan Ramos Ramos <p><em>Collaboration in software development teams often requires effective activity management. Agile methodologies enable managing changes; however, fostering a culture of cross-functional collaboration within the organization and shared responsibility for security in development facilitates comprehensive communication. This provides stakeholders with better decision-making tools.&nbsp;</em><em>The aim of this paper is to outline a methodology proposal for managing software development projects based on DevSecOps and Scrum. Subsequently, the methodology is tested in two case studies, and the results are presented, highlighting improvements in delivery times and software development quality.&nbsp; </em><em>Finally, it discusses how integrating agile methodologies like DevSecOps and Scrum in software development project management provides a robust framework to adapt to changes and enhance the quality of the final product.</em></p> 2024-09-30T09:42:04-05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Innovation and Software Ethics in artificial intelligence : analysis of image generator models 2024-10-03T17:26:31-05:00 Frank Jhosep Gutierrez Sanchez Sergio Fernando Ávila Rebaza Marcelino Torres Villanueva <p><em>This article on the ethics of artificial intelligence, based on image generation, contains a comprehensive analysis of the ethical and practical dilemmas associated with AI. In the introduction, we highlight the widespread impact of AI on human society and emphasize the importance of addressing the ethical dilemmas arising from its use, distinguishing in areas such as decision making in autonomous vehicles. The methodology proposed includes literature review, ethical self-assessment using specialized tools, and case study analysis to identify ethical and unethical patterns.&nbsp; The results achieved reveal that the models are capable of generating high quality images in an ethical manner, avoiding the promotion of harmful stereotypes. However, the presence of biases and lack of transparency in the model is determined. Practical ethical considerations for the use of the model in real applications are discussed, highlighting the utmost importance of addressing these challenges in order to ensure a good ethical development and application in the field of artificial intelligence image generation.</em></p> 2024-09-30T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Innovation and Software Artificial intelligence in predictive IT incident management 2024-10-03T17:26:26-05:00 Luigui Jampierre Amaya Jave Roger Alejandro Querevalú Galán Alberto Carlos Mendoza de los Santos <p><em>This systematic review synthesizes the literature on the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in predictive incident management in Information Technology (IT). The study focuses on evaluating the predictive capability of AI-based solutions and identifying areas for future research. Using the PRISMA methodology, comprehensive searches were conducted in academic databases using specific search equations. Fifteen articles were selected that addressed the topic from various perspectives, highlighting the use of advanced techniques such as machine learning, deep learning, and transformers to enhance accuracy in predicting IT incidents. Furthermore, it explored how AI for IT Operations (AIOps) facilitates the automation and proactive management of incidents, thereby optimizing operational efficiency and system availability. The findings underscore the effectiveness of these technologies in reducing incident resolution times and improving organizational resilience against emerging technological challenges. Overall, this review emphasizes the importance of continuous innovation and strategic integration of AI in IT service management to enhance operational efficiency and strengthen organizational adaptability.</em></p> 2024-09-30T09:30:23-05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Innovation and Software YOLOv8-Based Model for Solid Waste Detection 2024-10-03T17:26:24-05:00 Rodrigo Alonso Guevara Saldaña Marcos Iván Díaz Tomás Marcelino Torres Villanueva <p>The primary focus of this article was to employ Ultralytics technology, specifically YOLOv8, in object recognition. This involved utilizing supervised learning and other machine learning techniques. The article took into consideration the definitions of object detection and model training to effectively categorize solid waste, thereby facilitating recycling efforts. Following this, each object class was manually identified using the LabelImg tagger, considering the positions of the objects within the images. This approach led to the analysis of 1517 images and produced notably high-quality and significant results.</p> 2024-09-30T09:32:08-05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Innovation and Software Biometric access control system through facial recognition with liveness techniques 2024-10-03T17:26:28-05:00 Kevin Jose Rodriguez Ponce Frank Jhosep Gutierrez Sanchez Alberto Carlos Mendoza De los Santos <p><em>The purpose of this article is a proposal for a facial recognition system with liveness techniques for access control using neural networks. The main focus has been aimed at improving the security of access to a system through the application of artificial intelligence in biometrics, avoiding any type of fraud and impersonation. Python was used along with the following libraries like Tkinter, Cv2, Numpy, PIL, Imutils, Mediapipe, Os, Math, Dlib, Face-recognition, Csv, Tkcalendar and Bcrypt. The results obtained by carrying out 40 tests with a real person were a similarity accuracy of 82,11%, on the other hand, to verify that the person is carrying out a live recognition, 20 tests were carried out with the photograph of that person, in this case, the system did not allow entry since the liveness verification was not met, thus concluding that the recognition system is effective and guarantees greater security in access control.</em></p> 2024-09-30T09:28:41-05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Innovation and Software Speech and text recognition system: A tool for authentication based on random read 2024-10-03T17:30:20-05:00 Alejandro Román Campos Gamarra Sergio Fernando Avila Rebaza Edson Alexis Ugaz Julian Alberto Carlos Mendoza de los Santos <p>The main objective of this paper is the development of a speech and text recognition system to improve security in user identification. For the development of the system, deep learning methodologies and several Python libraries were implemented, including Speech_recognition, Pyttsx3, and Librosa, among others. The system was evaluated in a controlled environment using 50 speech samples, obtaining an accuracy of 74%. The results indicated that 61.53% of the errors were due to failures in voice identification and 30.76% were due to discrepancies in matching the generated text. These findings underscore the overall effectiveness of the system, although they also point to the need to adjust the similarity thresholds and improve the recognition algorithms to increase their accuracy and robustness. It is concluded that the system presents a promising solution for biometric voice authentication, showing a balance between accuracy and areas for improvement that reinforce its usefulness in computer security applications.</p> 2024-09-30T09:27:42-05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Innovation and Software Data warehouse and its impact on agile decision-making at Best Cable Peru 2024-10-03T17:26:22-05:00 Cesar Alcides Perez Quispe Juan Pedro Santos Fernandez Robert Jerry Sánchez Ticona <p>Business intelligence provides significant assistance in decision-making by offering a comprehensive overview of the business and its workflow, presenting various alternatives to decision-makers. The research aimed to streamline decision-making within the company through the implementation of a Data Warehouse. The Kimball methodology was employed in the process, utilizing Atoti Apache Airflow and PowerBI software, which were fed with transactional data stored in a MariaDB database. Statistical analysis was conducted using R software within the RStudio environment. The study population consisted of 5 employees for the user satisfaction indicator, employing a convenience non-probabilistic sampling method, while for the indicators of report generation time and costs, the population comprised 360 management reports, sampled using a simple probabilistic method, resulting in a sample of 186 management reports. The results indicated a 94.37\% reduction in the time required for report generation, a 94.72\% decrease in associated costs, and a 72.36\% increase in user satisfaction level. Upon analysis, it was determined that the implementation of business intelligence significantly improved decision-making agility within the company, confirming its effectiveness.</p> 2024-09-30T09:33:17-05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Innovation and Software Technological Solution to Optimize Book Sales in a Bookstore: Efficiency and Improvement in Commercial Management 2024-10-03T17:26:21-05:00 Jack Edinson Portilla Rodriguez Raphael Andre Prieto Pastor Juan Pedro de los Santos Fernández Oscar Romel Alcántara Moreno Robert Jerry Sánchez Ticona <p>The incorporation of web systems results in improved efficiency, process optimization, and greater precision in information management, generating a growing demand. In this context, the focus of this study was directed towards the implementation of web solutions aimed at optimizing the administrative management of bookstores. The SCRUM methodology was chosen as the approach for software development, characterized by its iterative and incremental nature. Thirty user stories were carried out in 3 sprints, executed on different days, each concluding with the successful implementation of a module. The results revealed a notable reduction of 38.51% in the average customer service time, with a positive impact of 61.49%. Information search experienced a significant decrease of 2.30%, with an impact of 97.70%. Additionally, the generation of receipts underwent a reduction of 33.70%, with an impact of 66.30%. As for the report generation time, there was a reduction of 0.71%, with an impact of 99.29%. The satisfaction of the managers increased significantly, reaching 83.334%, with a positive impact of 20%. These indicators reflect positive progress in the sales process for the implemented system. In conclusion, the developed web system proves highly effective in improving administrative management indicators, generating a positive impact on the efficiency of the sales process specific to bookstores.</p> 2024-09-30T09:34:45-05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Innovation and Software Web system and efficiency in commercial management of a Peruvian clothing manufacturing company. 2024-10-03T17:26:18-05:00 David Fernando Zeniz Ramos Juan Pedro Santos Fernández Oscar Romel Alcántara Moreno Luis Enrrique Boy Chavil Robert Jerry Sánchez Ticona <p><em>The systems aim to reduce errors and costs. The objective of the information was to streamline the commercial management processes in the Rosita clothing store. Regarding the method: It was the SCRUM methodology, carried out with PHP.v8 and Laravel v9 framework, as well as MySQL Workbench 10.4.25 database; For the mobile, the Xamarin 5.9 development framework was used with the C# language, with 19 user stories stacked in 3 Sprints, executed in 98 days, at the end of which the modules will be provided. To differentiate the hypotheses, the Shapiro Wilk and Kolmogorov-Smirnov-Lilliefors normality tests were used, and inferential statistics were used using the student parametric test for paired data with a significance level of 5%. The research design was pre-experimental. The population was 14 people, the sample for the customer service time indicator was 603 clients, for information search time 840 searches, for the level of satisfaction of those in charge 14, and for management report preparation time 525 reports.; The types of samples used were: simple random and convenience for the satisfaction indicator. The instruments were: interview guide, record sheet, stopwatch and questionnaire. For the inferential statistical tests, we used R. The result based on the general objective was: Customer service time reduced the speed of service from 63.19 s to 3.14 s, with a notable time reduction of 60.05 s. Conclusions: The web system managed to improve commercial management indicators, confirming its effectiveness with a positive impact</em></p> 2024-09-30T09:37:04-05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Innovation and Software