Being and doing of complexity in life: a reflection from Edgar Morin

  • Carlos Germán Juliao Vargas Independent Researcher
  • Fabián Andrey Zarta Rojas Multiversidad Mundo Real Edgar Morin
Keywords: Complexity, Education, anthropology, reflexivity


Education and the paradigms that the world had known in the 20th century were the bearers of truth. However, with the arrival of Edgar Morin and his worldview of complexity, he gave a new direction not only to educational sciences; but also, to the way in which teachers and scientific circles observed reality. To demonstrate these educational issues, this text will be developed in three sections: 1) Edgar Morín, complex man and researcher of complexity; 2) Morín, complexity and education; 3) an anthropological vision of education: the human in the center. The conclusions of the reflection give point out that The teaching mission must thus respond to the five educational purposes that interrelate and feedback, namely: a head on straight to face the challenges posed by the growing complexity of reality, the teaching of human condition, learning to live, learning about uncertainty and earthly citizenship education teaching humanity in its anthropological unity and its individual and cultural diversities as well as in its community of destiny in the planetary era, where all humans face the same vital and mortal problems.


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Received: 2023-09-29
Accepted: 2024-03-25
Published: 2024-03-25
How to Cite
Juliao Vargas, C. G., & Zarta Rojas, F. A. (2024). Being and doing of complexity in life: a reflection from Edgar Morin. Iberoamerican Journal of Complexity and Economics Sciences, 2(1), 7-18.