Keywords: Greening, complexification, public universities, oxymoron


From the end of the 50's to date, the progress in the generation of algorithms on environmental issues has not ceased. The question from this perspective is whether the relationship of the human being with nature has transcended, has changed, has been transformed or remains the same. In this regard, and from a perspective that starts from education as an essential element of human "development", it is inescapable to think that educational institutions, higher education institutions and in particular public universities in Mexico, have approached the "environmental" only from a perspective of human thought. Therefore, if the "official" devices are reviewed, the discourse (power), from the mythical Brundtland report to the wide-ranging Sustainable Development Goals, evidently emanating from the United Nations, calls into question the relevance of what Nature is when the bases of sustainable development are raised from a Western epistemological logic. In this way, sustainable development is not only a concept, it becomes an oxymoron that we have referred to countless times in all areas to point out what we intend to happen, but that in practice and after more than thirty years, remains a misunderstood, poorly founded and above all, misdirected utopia.


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Received: 2024-03-25
Published: 2024-03-25
How to Cite
Sánchez Barreto, R. F., Iglesias Piña, D., & Ávila Córdoba, L. I. (2024). BEYOND THE OXYMORON. FROM ENVIRONMENTALIZATION TO THE COMPLEXIZATION OF THE UNIVERSITY. Iberoamerican Journal of Complexity and Economics Sciences, 2(1), 109-121.