The article proposes an intercultural and comprehensive approach to transcend specialization and technicality in the understanding and management of agrobiodiversity, as a strategy regarding current global challenges. Current results have been analyzed and contrasted with the results of research and projects on agrobiodiversity over the last 20 years in Andean and Amazonian communities in Peru. Due to the magnitude of ancestral knowledge, special emphasis has been placed on climate indicators. The results contribute to supporting the close relationship between ancestral knowledge with their worldview and cultural conceptions about life and the world. The research responds to the need to expand the framework of sociocultural perceptions of ancestral knowledge, based on its deep values and ethics, which can also contribute to the construction of policies with cultural and ecological relevance. Ancestral knowledge is, above all, knowledge; Its quality is in its epistemological nature that explains the meaning of such knowledge, the state of conservation of agrobiodiversity and the environment. Therefore, actions are necessary to reverse the progressive loss of ancestral knowledge that leads to the decrease in agrobiodiversity and landscape degradation.
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