• Javier Martínez Baigorri Fundación Educativa Jesuitinas
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Ethic of Care, Identity, Ontology of the relationship, Precariousness, Subjectivity, Vulnerability


Rossi Braidotti's thinking provides us with tools to be able to think about the effect that AI has on the transformation and construction of identities. The proposal of nomadic subjectivity and the posthuman subject help us leave behind fixed and closed conceptions of subjectivity that generate otherness, inequality and asymmetry in power. Being able to move towards a fluid and dynamic idea of ​​the subject, with complex thinking that overcomes the reductionism of linear thinking, offers very relevant ethical possibilities. At this time of development of a technology as powerful as AI, asking how it contributes to one type of subjectivity or another is very relevant.


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Received: 2024-06-30
Published: 2024-06-30
How to Cite
Martínez Baigorri, J. (2024). SUBJECTIVITY AND IDENTITY IN TIMES OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. A READING FROM ROSI BRAIDOTTI. Iberoamerican Journal of Complexity and Economics Sciences, 2(2), 17-29.