• María Luisa Eschenhagen Universidad Distrital José Francisco de Caldas image/svg+xml
Keywords: buddhism, mutual causation, life, civilisational crisis


The modern world has distanced itself from life, fragmented its relationship and understanding of life. Therefore, in a context of modern civilisational crisis, which has forgotten its connection with life and which is manifested through the increasingly prevailing environmental problem, the aim of this text is to review how Buddhism understands the mutual dependence, or mutual causation of life. To this end, we first present some preliminary reflections on the contextualisation of Buddhism itself and how it came to the West. Then the central teachings and some concepts of Buddhism and mutual causation are presented. This is followed by a chapter on the very concrete approach of putting the teachings into practice through meditation/contemplation, and then a better understanding of how Buddhism understands life, with an emphasis on interbeing. Finally, it presents some reflections and incentives on how to put the teachings into practice in today’s world, because from a Buddhist perspective it is clear that the multiple socio-environmental problems that are observed everywhere are a warning sign that something is going very wrong deep down, which is why collective changes are required with respect to collective perspectives, attitudes and lifestyles, which ultimately can be realised in terms of rescuing minimum values of coexistence.


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Received: 2023-03-19
Accepted: 2023-06-20
Published: 2023-08-31
How to Cite
Eschenhagen, M. L. (2023). UNDERSTANDING THE INTERDEPENDENCE - THE INTERBEING - OF LIFE FROM A BUDDHIST PERSPECTIVE. Iberoamerican Journal of Complexity and Economics Sciences, 1(1), 53-76. https://doi.org/10.48168/ricce.v1n1p53