Relationships between inter-transdisciplinarity and complex thinking: Language as a tool of epistemic suture
In this article we want to explore some questions about the relationships between inter-transdisciplinarity and complex thought and contribute to the current discussion about them as a tool for the epistemic and methodological suture between modern sciences. The methodology that will be used to develop this reflection cannot be other than the combination of several a-methods, or, in other words, a rhizomatic thought as proposed by Zarta (2022), obtaining a certain deep intelligibility from the use of complex thought of Morín (2002) and the schizoid perspective of Deleuze and Guattari (2004). The inter-transdisciplinary articulating tool, with all the advantages it allows, acquires a fundamental role in contemporary discussion given the difference that arises between complex thinking as a method and complexity sciences as disciplines; This is because the authors intend a division, which would go against the very principles of complexity.
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