Econophysics, SocioPhysics and Technological Singularity versus Posthumanism and Transhumanism. A vision of analysis, dynamics and complex thinking

Keywords: Econophysics, Physical Partner, Technological Singularity, Posthumanism, Transhumanism


The article raised the content of Econophysics, Physical Partner and Technological Singularity versus Posthumanism and Transhumanism from an analytical, dynamic, and complex thinking perspective. The discussion between the division, existence and prevalence of sciences has succumbed, for the eternal interest of taking science into account as a general fact to explain different phenomena and to the same sciences; controversial phenomenon for those who advocate for isolating science's interaction with science. These themes were reached, due to the role that the basic and exact sciences are fulfilling, committed to the full extra population of the human condition regarding the concept of life and criteria of humanism transformed by the interaction between man – data; cyborg – man and robotization of the human known being.

It was taken into account for the development of the presentation: 1. The evolution and role of Physics in contributing to the evolution of economics, sociology and technology to respond to the challenges of posthumanism and transhumanism;  2. The contribution of Econophysics, the Physical Partner and Technological Singularity to support the precepts of Posthumanism and Transhumanism; 3. Analytical, dynamic and complex thinking transformation in the face of the interaction of this triad in the face of posthumanism and transhumanism.  We are ad-portals of new ideas on human evolution and a new industrial revolution in which physics is the center of analysis to explain to the sciences.


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Received: 2024-01-02
Accepted: 2024-03-25
Published: 2024-03-25
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How to Cite
Gutierrez Ossa, J. A., Mira Olano, L. E., & Muñoz Ossa, H. A. (2024). Econophysics, SocioPhysics and Technological Singularity versus Posthumanism and Transhumanism. A vision of analysis, dynamics and complex thinking. Iberoamerican Journal of Complexity and Economics Sciences, 2(1), 75-108.