Food is information: discovering nutrition from a non-anthropocentric perspective

Keywords: health, food, quantum, energy


Over the years, nutrition has understood food merely as a way to obtain macro and micronutrients. These nutrients are vital for the optimal functioning of the organism and the survival of human beings. However, food contributes to more than that since they are often involved in quantum-scale information transmission processes, essential for life. This chapter states the need to overcome the anthropogenic view of diet and include non-human organisms immersed in the process, particularly in nutrition and public health fields. To this end, it is crucial to use an interdisciplinary approach, taking into account statements from disciplines that do not necessarily belong to the group of the health sciences. The previous will lead to a better understanding of the food interactions through the transmission of information on its multiples dimensions and how they intertwine with the various processes that create life.


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Received: 2024-01-17
Accepted: 2024-03-25
Published: 2024-03-25
How to Cite
Arango, D. (2024). Food is information: discovering nutrition from a non-anthropocentric perspective. Iberoamerican Journal of Complexity and Economics Sciences, 2(1), 19-31.