Keywords: Complexity Sciences, Artificial Intelligence, complex systems modeling, complex ethics


The relationship between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Complexity Sciences is increasingly crucial in the scientific and technological fields. This essay examines how AI and Complexity Sciences mutually benefit each other and promise to revolutionize our understanding of complex systems. Complexity Sciences investigate how interactions among parts of a system generate emergent behaviors that are not predictable from the individual components, encompassing ecological networks, economies, biological, and social systems. AI, with algorithms capable of performing tasks that require human intelligence, such as learning and adaptation, significantly contributes to this field. Complexity Sciences provide a theoretical framework for developing more advanced and adaptive AI, crucial for autonomous systems in dynamic environments. However, this synergy also poses novel ethical and social challenges, necessitating the application of complex criteria to AI ethics.


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Received: 2024-06-30
Published: 2024-06-30
How to Cite
Viguri Axpe, M. R. (2024). COMPLEXITY, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND ETHICS. Iberoamerican Journal of Complexity and Economics Sciences, 2(2), 63-77.