• Iberoamerican Journal of Complexity and Economics Sciences
    Vol 2 No 3 (2024)

    This issue is the result of a contribution from people who, from their everyday Dasein, which is situated and besieged by the passion for educating, present us with the possibility of finding some elements of questioning and openness in a time of change, which apparently have a high speed and volatility, but which in many cases have a diffuse empirical epistemic support, it is a small grain of sand to contribute to the discussion of everyday topics that are not so everyday.

  • Iberoamerican Journal of Complexity and Economics Sciences
    Vol 2 No 2 (2024)

    Today, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been deeply integrated into numerous facets of our daily lives, offering undeniable benefits. However, this technological advance is not free of risks and ethical challenges that must be addressed rigorously. Andoni Aguirre González and Roberto Casas Andrés explore these challenges, pointing to the perspective of Yuk Hui, who suggests that AI could be altering the very notion of the human. This article offers a deep reflection on the risks inherent to AI and proposes possible ways to confront them, underlining the importance of guaranteeing the viability and ethics of the human in a world increasingly dominated by advanced technologies.

  • Iberoamerican Journal of Complexity and Economics Sciences
    Vol 2 No 1 (2024)

    This special issue of the Ibero-American Journal of Complexity and Economic Sciences is a proposal derived from the Chair of Sustainability and Complexity Sciences “Dr. Carlos Eduardo Maldonado”, promoted by the Center for Studies and Research in Sustainable Development of the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, which was developed during the second semester of 2023 and had as its central theme “The discussion from Non-Classical Logics. Epistemic Logic in the Nature-Humanity relationship”, from which 8 manuscripts were generated that are presented below.

  • Iberoamerican Journal of Complexity and Economics Sciences
    Vol 1 No 2 (2023)

    This dossier on the complexity of bioculturality includes works by various authors with different stories and trajectories, which is reflected in their articles. Respectful of diversity, there is not necessarily a unity of approaches but that is part of its richness in a concept that, like Buen Vivir, is under construction. The authors come from Colombia (Carlos Maldonado), Mexico (Fernando Sánchez) and Peru (Rodrigo Arce, Heinrich Helberg and Javier Llacsa), which gives it an international and Latin American character. We would have liked to have women's perspectives but they did not appear at the call. It remains to continue exploring the complexity of bioculturality from the perspective of women and indigenous peoples.

  • Iberoamerican Journal of Complexity and Economics Sciences
    Vol 1 No 1 (2023)

    Today we present a magazine that deals with the new science, in the words of Carlos Eduardo Maldonado, in which we must understand the interests and concerns of the human being to establish historical, economic, social, avant-garde content, among others. ; that we include studies of the biosphere, life systems, artificial life, in other words, the science of complexity are life sciences. Our edition will be quarterly and has the support of a renowned scientific committee whose experience and skills will be reflected in the evaluations of the articles that the different researchers send us. In this first issue, Dr. Carlos Eduardo Maldonado is responsible editor. We appreciate the support of the authorities of La Salle University and the Academia Hispanoamericana de Complejidad for supporting this challenge that we have set for ourselves.