Obesity from the biomedical model, the social sciences and the sciences of complexity

Keywords: obesity, stigma, complex systems


International health organizations and medical institutions have declared in recent years that obesity is a disease, a public health problem and even a global epidemic. This based on statistical data and its influence on other conditions that cause significant morbidity and mortality and economic impact. This recognition of obesity as a disease has been welcomed by medical associations, considering that it warrants further research and promotes people’s access to health care services with a view to improving the well-being of patients and mitigating the global effects. However, the social sciences have criticized it because it has also caused stigma and discrimination against people who are overweight and have not provided effective solutions to the problem. This article describes some relevant aspects of the biomedical model of obesity, the contributions from the social sciences and from there a vision is proposed from the complexity sciences that propose innovative solutions.


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Received: 2023-03-27
Accepted: 2023-07-01
Published: 2023-08-31
How to Cite
Tobler, C. A. (2023). Obesity from the biomedical model, the social sciences and the sciences of complexity. Iberoamerican Journal of Complexity and Economics Sciences, 1(1), 89-103. https://doi.org/10.48168/ricce.v1n1p89