Keywords: Teaching identity, Teaching, educational practice, complexity, education


Teacher identity and its role in Educational Practice from a Complex Approach”, is essential to address in the field of higher education, because it allows us to identify the importance of the facilitator, educator in the intervention within their task in the teaching-learning process. The teaching identity is configured and formed based on constant practice in the classroom, which indicates that the socio-cultural nature of both identity and learning located in contexts of participation is accepted.

Addressing the teaching identity from a point of view associated with practice and therefore, with complexity is being able to carry out an analysis that in the first instance from: a personal, professional analysis and a collective analysis, from these sections it could be indicated that it implies a thorough reflection to identify the relevance which would greatly contribute to it being given enough emphasis.


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Received: 2024-09-05
Published: 2024-09-09
How to Cite
Jataco Perez, L. J. (2024). TEACHER IDENTITY AND ITS ROLE IN EDUCATIONAL PRACTICE FROM A COMPLEX APPROACH. Iberoamerican Journal of Complexity and Economics Sciences, 2(3), 27-34. https://doi.org/10.48168/ricce.v2n3p27