Ensuring the security of business information through service management

Keywords: information security management, ICT service management, information security, business sector


In this systematic review, we examined the approaches and techniques used by companies to protect their information and meet customer expectations. Following a rigorous methodology involving systematic database research and a thorough analysis of selected articles, six relevant studies were identified that provided valuable information. The findings highlighted the relevance of incorporating IT security into the overall service management strategy and the need to involve all stakeholders. In addition, the crucial role of the human element in information protection is emphasised and investment in training and awareness programmes is recommended, as well as the importance of a holistic approach to service management. The document provides a comprehensive view and effective recommendations for strengthening enterprise data protection and security practices, and is relevant for organisations seeking to improve their approach to data protection in a dynamic and ever-changing business environment.



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Received: 2023-04-28
Accepted: 2023-07-31
Published: 2023-09-30
How to Cite
L. M. Solano Quincho, M. M. Horna Maguiña, and A. C. Mendoza de los Santos, “Ensuring the security of business information through service management”, Innov. softw., vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 96-106, Sep. 2023.
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