The impact of Artificial Intelligence in improving Customer Service: A Systemic Review
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is gaining more and more importance in the customer service industry, making it possible to automate processes and improve the effectiveness of customer interactions. This systematic review aims to analyze the use of artificial intelligence in customer service, identify the limitations and advantages of the implementation of AI and analyze how they influence customer satisfaction, the collection of literature and selection was used. the guidelines of the PRISMA methodology. As AI has become an increasingly relevant technology in the field of customer service, it is essential to systematically examine its influence in this specific context. It was found in which sectors AI is being used more in customer service and the future perspectives of this technology in customer service will be presented. It was possible to conclude that chatbots are one of the most used applications in customer service to provide quick and effective responses to user queries. However, it is important to consider the benefits and limitations of this technology, as well as the importance of human interaction in customer satisfaction.
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