Design, Construction and Testing of a Low Cost Ground Sta-tion for CubeSat with IoT-LoRa Technology

Keywords: low cost, LoRa ground station, CubeSat, LoRa reception, satellite


This research article presents the design and construction of a low-cost ground station, consisting of a Yagi antenna, Low Noise Amplifier (LNA), and a LoRa receiver node, enabling the reception of CubeSat signals utilizing LoRa technology. The design incorporates general antenna and electronic amplifier design concepts and was validated through laboratory tests assessing elec-trical characteristics, signal radiation, and frequency response. This setup successfully received telemetry data from LoRa-based CubeSat satellites.


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Author Biography

Pablo Aníbal Lupera Morillo, National Polytechnic School
Ph.D. Full-time professor at the National Polytechnic School, Quito, Ecuador. He obtained the title of engineer in Electronics and Telecommunications from the National Polytechnic School in 2002 and the title of Ph.D. in technical sciences at the Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications in Russia in 2009.


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Received: 2023-08-10
Accepted: 2023-11-05
Published: 2024-03-30
How to Cite
G. F. Flores Cadena, “Design, Construction and Testing of a Low Cost Ground Sta-tion for CubeSat with IoT-LoRa Technology ”, Innov. softw., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 6-19, Mar. 2024.
Journal papers