Web system and efficiency in commercial management of a Peruvian clothing manufacturing company.

Keywords: Commercial management, SCRUM, Web system


The systems aim to reduce errors and costs. The objective of the information was to streamline the commercial management processes in the Rosita clothing store. Regarding the method: It was the SCRUM methodology, carried out with PHP.v8 and Laravel v9 framework, as well as MySQL Workbench 10.4.25 database; For the mobile, the Xamarin 5.9 development framework was used with the C# language, with 19 user stories stacked in 3 Sprints, executed in 98 days, at the end of which the modules will be provided. To differentiate the hypotheses, the Shapiro Wilk and Kolmogorov-Smirnov-Lilliefors normality tests were used, and inferential statistics were used using the student parametric test for paired data with a significance level of 5%. The research design was pre-experimental. The population was 14 people, the sample for the customer service time indicator was 603 clients, for information search time 840 searches, for the level of satisfaction of those in charge 14, and for management report preparation time 525 reports.; The types of samples used were: simple random and convenience for the satisfaction indicator. The instruments were: interview guide, record sheet, stopwatch and questionnaire. For the inferential statistical tests, we used R. The result based on the general objective was: Customer service time reduced the speed of service from 63.19 s to 3.14 s, with a notable time reduction of 60.05 s. Conclusions: The web system managed to improve commercial management indicators, confirming its effectiveness with a positive impact


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Received: 2024-04-15
Accepted: 2024-06-18
Published: 2024-09-30
How to Cite
D. F. Zeniz Ramos, J. P. Santos Fernández, O. R. Alcántara Moreno, L. E. Boy Chavil, and R. J. Sánchez Ticona, “Web system and efficiency in commercial management of a Peruvian clothing manufacturing company.”, Innov. softw., vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 182-205, Sep. 2024.
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