Data warehouse and its impact on agile decision-making at Best Cable Peru

Keywords: Data warehouse, Business Intelligence, Make Decisions


Business intelligence provides significant assistance in decision-making by offering a comprehensive overview of the business and its workflow, presenting various alternatives to decision-makers. The research aimed to streamline decision-making within the company through the implementation of a Data Warehouse. The Kimball methodology was employed in the process, utilizing Atoti Apache Airflow and PowerBI software, which were fed with transactional data stored in a MariaDB database. Statistical analysis was conducted using R software within the RStudio environment. The study population consisted of 5 employees for the user satisfaction indicator, employing a convenience non-probabilistic sampling method, while for the indicators of report generation time and costs, the population comprised 360 management reports, sampled using a simple probabilistic method, resulting in a sample of 186 management reports. The results indicated a 94.37\% reduction in the time required for report generation, a 94.72\% decrease in associated costs, and a 72.36\% increase in user satisfaction level. Upon analysis, it was determined that the implementation of business intelligence significantly improved decision-making agility within the company, confirming its effectiveness.


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Received: 2024-06-21
Accepted: 2024-08-25
Published: 2024-09-30
How to Cite
C. A. Perez Quispe, J. P. Santos Fernandez, and R. J. Sánchez Ticona, “Data warehouse and its impact on agile decision-making at Best Cable Peru”, Innov. softw., vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 143-162, Sep. 2024.
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